Friday, May 3, 2013

Lesson 2 - Are you the Priority ??

Continuing from my previous post, i present here my second post on the topic. A very short discussion with a friend whom i met after nearly a year cleared all the air.. We were talking weird things, and bumped into this topic.

Well the simple question is, are you or have you been your girlfriend's priority always? How can you make your girlfriend your priority when she never made you her priority? For e.g. Is her work more important than you, whereas you skipped your work for spending time with her? Did she ever gave up her sleep, whereas you screwed your sleeps to meet her? Did she meet you when leaving for some place, or just kept on packing the bags and left without your glimpse? Did she slept comfortably when you wanted to meet her whereas you turned up even while suffering with high fever when she wanted to meet you?

You kept on fulfilling everything, whereas she could not follow your requests..!! No, that does not work that away. You leave your classes, take her around on borrowed bikes, celebrate her birthdays with your friends, make strategies to get placed with best salaries, earn good so as to buy a bike on which both can roam, meet her whenever you find even little time etc etc. You end up almost becoming a robot, selling yourself, dealing with work pressure, overlooking your parents, siblings to make that girl happy..!! No, that should not work that way.

On the other hand, its quite likely that she would turn down your foresight at that moment, only to adopt it after wasting 2 years! She would get irritated if you surprise her during her sleep. She may not say i love you to you for a long time and you kept on wondering in the jungles. She may decide what suits her best rather than taking your opinion. She will leave the city without meeting you while you never spend a Sunday without meeting her. Reason for all this?? Her priority is NOT you. Your wishes/dreams for her are NOT her priority!

Needless to say that priorities are never compromised. If you are hungry, food is your priority. If you are thirsty, water is your priority. If you are in love, then your partner is your priority. You always find time to make up your priorities because they are non- negotiable.You found time for her because she was your priority. But the reverse may not always be true. Therefore, always check if you are her priority. In case, she does things from her own mind, then you are not her priority. And if you are not her priority, then why has she been your priority?

Because you never realized...!! But better late than never. There is no dearth of good girls in the world. In the end, you will find one. So get up and tell her that if she has her own priorities (which unfortunately are more important than you), then you also have several other things to do in life. Do well in your career, achiever new heights, go biking, break records, chat with friends and forgot her. Most certainly, a girl who doesn't realize or know that you are more important for her than her priorities, is not for you. 

Stay away from such girls and live your life. You may not win ONE girl but you may win MANY OTHER people who value you and for whom you are a priority.. :) :)