Friday, November 28, 2008

Law in 2050 A.D

"I thought i can write an article on that". Hence this stuff !! I mean just think that its the year 2050 A.D. You are so much dependent on technology that Robots are your servants. For every thing you do, you require a robot right from cleaning home to preparing food. Almost everybody in your locality has one. Given the speed with which technology is expanding, this scenario is not unrealistic in future.

Now sample this. You send your hi-tech servant (i mean robot) to the market to fetch vegetables. He gets into tussle with another robot, who is your friend's servant. In provocation, he kills the other one with his automatic self defense revolver embedded in his body already. Now the real trouble starts !

What will happen then? Will the police catch him? Will he be prosecuted under Indian Penal Code(IPC) section 302 as he has done murder? But he is a robot, i.e non-living. How can one prosecute a non-living person? Does IPC allows that? Or does any penal code, for that matter, in the world allows that? Your friend has filed a criminal suit against you as you are responsible for the conduct of your robot (remember master-servant relation ?). He has also filed a civil suit to recover the money he spent on purchasing his servant. Now what??
Is the court competent enough to try this case? If not, can anybody's robot kill another and cause its owner monetary loss? These are some of the questions that our legal system will face perhaps 50 years from now. Isn't it? But i think law should catch up with technology. Because law is dynamic. Its provisions should be relevant to the society.

A law is made for the people and it is accepted in the society only if its provisions are relevant and to be followed by the crowd mutually. It will hence require a great deal of thinking before we can actually revamp our entire legal system to cope up with the challenges posted by technology in our lives. I hope i would be the one to see this change..

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