Monday, March 30, 2009

A brief look...

Now that my lucky charm has got off-track, i have a very tough road ahead. She is a moving force behind most of my successes. But she hardly realizes it now. My loss is somebody Else's gain. But i am sure he won't understand her as i did. This is because i knew her completely. I did not just love her, i had 'affection' for her just like a father has towards his children. I had seen her grow and transform into a fine lady.

I never thought in my wildest dreams that sweety will go like that; that she can do this. Suddenly she has lost herself in her baseless thoughts. I try each day to make her see the reality but she is not interested. Seems like she wants to remain in that mushy world of her which does not have any edifice.

Dreams are short-lived. When they will crack, Alice won't be able to endure that unbearable pain. I always want that when she meets me, she lifts her head with grace and peep into my eyes. But she knows she will never be able to do that now. It will hurt me equally through out my life.

Little cutie has just broken a heart. But she will come again. And i know i will be there for her till the end...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Some questions unanswered..

Don't know why i want answers for some questions? Why is it that some questions in life remain unanswered? I try a lot to forgive little Alice but could not do that. Why?
You give your best and you get nothing in return. Not even an email...!!

Had i not been battered with so many responsibilities, i would have given more time for my problems. My life has come to a stand still. Everything else does not matter anymore. This place urges me to move ahead else i will be left behind in this mad and bloody race. I want some support but that is not to be.

People don't understand my irony. I too an human. I cannot take on everything that comes my way, particularly if it is unexpected. Today when i need the support most, nobody is there. Its easy to make people suffer but its very difficult to feel their distress.

Anyways little Alice goes far ahead in life, i only pray for that. I wish she studies more and get a good job. I am not concerned about me any more. I miss you. I love you. Just one chance and i will be the best person you can ever get.All this seems ordinary now. I hope i get the answers of my questions. Otherwise, i will not be dying in peace.