Saturday, June 27, 2009

And we call vacations boring... Are they really?

Like all of you, i too get summer vacations. Its a perfect time for vella panti (VP). Now planning to do VP is not at all easy. You have to work hard for it. You keep lying on bed, trying to sleep for maximum time. But how much is enough? Then you get bored of sleeping. Again, then you try to read books. Complete one, two or may be three novels. Enough? Bored again!!

"Lets move on and try some other stuff", we say to ourselves. Now we start watching TV. Different programmes, hundreds of channels. But how many and for how long? Stick to it for two days and you feel same stuff being shown every other day. In the evening, the remote has to be necessarily passed on to mom to watch those K-serials, otherwise its possible you won't be served dinner. So two more days and even TV gets boring. Now what?

"Lets try malls, multiplexes". Okay, our mind asserts. We keep roaming around malls, watching some really beautiful things, try window shopping, watch the latest movies and hang on with friends. But till when? 4-5 days pass, and even this stuff starts giving hiccups. Plus you get additional dose at home for coming late or for spending too much. "Uff, ab kya karein?"

Try shopping. Wow, thats something which has a feel. But you can't shop for more than one day. Why? Bcoz your pocket won't allow, of course untill you are a spoilt brat or born with a silver spoon in mouth. Simple! So even this option gone. Lets join some classes. Dance or cookery. Uff but its so hot outside in summers. How will i go? And why classes? I already attend a lots of them during course work. Lets try visiting neighbours. We visit two-three of them and soon get bored. Why? Because you can't talk with aunties and uncles for more than 30 minutes. "And what about their children?". They are usually either older to us, or too elder to us or simply out of station. No respite here too. "Ab kaha jaun?"

Chalo, lets go to relatives. But they usually are so many. If you go to one and do not visit others, they will start complaining. And what about their pyaar se banaya gaya khaana? That thoda-sa khaana is usually a little less than what 3 people can eat combined. And relatives always feel that we have become slim since last time so we are expected to finish that thoda-sa khaana. Night-long heavy stomach and we swear not to visit such relatives again.

Finally our inquisitive mind asks, "Feel like killing time, Why vacations are so long?". "Arre, but you were dying to have those vacations. Weren't you?", asked God. "I wish my vacations were not so long". Then God replies, "Try to help your mom in her daily works. This way you will not feel bored". Chalo, Lets try to help mom in her daily works. So, We start helping mom in her daily routine. Early morning walk, then breakfast, tea, Lunch, grocery shopping, evening tea, dinner, doing the dishes and lo ho gaya. We prepare tea, may be try and soon start hating kitchen.

...Uff same stuff again and again? What seemed so simple to us is often very difficult. And our respective moms keep on doing it the same stuff uncomplainingly for so many years, infact through all their lives. And we have so many different works to do during these two month vacations and we complain ki i am bored? So is our boredom any where near to what our mom's felt during the past 20-25 years doing same stuff over and over again? Confused and surprised i asked mom. "Mom, don't you get bored?". She replied, "if i would have got bored even once during all those years, you would have been left hungry, or you might have missed your homework, might have missed your exams, or your breakfast, or you might have missed out on your play time. But did that ever happen? When was the last time your mother got ill? Beta, i took all your boredom upon me so that you can live happily and become what you are today. And seeing you i too am happy. Its important to love your work. Then only you can do the same stuff continously for so many years and succeed in your goal. "

I literally cried hearing that. And i realized what's fashionably called boredom among students is just a myth. Somewhere a mom must be getting bored right now so that her child can be happy. I realized that our vacations are enough for us. We can do many things but we will like them if only we love them. And while i finish this line, i know God must be smiling from the sky seeing me and my changed view..

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friendship defined

Many a times, i do those things which i should not have done. But we all are like that. I believe if we do any thing honestly without any suspense at the backyard, then doing that is justified. May be to be spontaneous is not good. But to keep mum is also not welcomed.

I kept on thinking the whole night what is the basis of a good friendship? Is it too much time which was spent, is it understanding, is it honesty, is it leg-pulling, is it laughter or is it the company of the other person? I inferred that a good friendship has all of these components, in small parts. But still without understanding, it's not going to exist. The foundation of every such building must be understanding. So does a friendship enters danger zone by removing one of these factors? I hope not. Understanding comes to the rescue.

I have never considered time as the basis. Many of my good friends were made in a day. Its the understanding again. Its the trust which makes us believe that other person cannot do bad to us. He won't harm us in any way. He will stand by us when we need him. But does that practically happen? As far as i think, in my case, i do stand in support of my friends no matter whether the situation is harmful or eventful for me.

Perhaps i am too spontaneous. I pay the price. But its always better to speak off. It helps in connecting with a person. It helps to make a good chemistry. Still no two persons are different. So not many people will agree with the above point. But then, that's me. If you feel good in the company of a person, then he is your friend. If you have a proper understanding and feel good in his company, then he's your good friend. If in addition to the above two, you also have trust upon him, then he is your best friend. This is because trust is one thing which develops only once. If it is lost, it is never build up again. It's my opinion. People may vary.

Good relations take months to develop. But it takes five minutes to crush them. I hope i remember this forever.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The start of a new Dawn

The previous semester was a horrendous one, partly due to Tanya's insensitivity and partly due to the aftermaths of it. Some stupid, emotional and absolutely crazy acts ensued . I had never been so insensitive towards my studies as was in semester that passed by. Never did i thought so casually about my career and risked it as in this one. But once all this is over, i hope for a new dawn. Very painfully and unwantedly, i have collected the bits and pieces of my mind in this soul-crushing, body shattering milieu which the so-called IIT gives its students. It is easier to express than to feel. I will never like to look back at what happened. May be it does not deserve to be thought about. Obviously my life has no place for coconuts.

Now, i wish for a new sun, a new environment, a new semester, a new thinking, a new Sachin. While i am more thoughful and working harder to restore the fruitful relationships i built over the years with my friends, at the same time i am also trying to be somebody who can be relied upon entirely. A little more trustworthy. This semester i wish i can concentrate only on my studies and career. I will work hard for it. I aspire to be a little more ruthless if i be hurt and with a little more proving attitude. But one thing is certain. I donot have any reason to be the person i used to be.

If you ever fall down in life, you have only two two options: either stay down or get up. I have chosen the latter. So let me start. A lot of work is pending. And this time, Jerry will also be around. So overall a new dawn !