Friday, June 26, 2009

Friendship defined

Many a times, i do those things which i should not have done. But we all are like that. I believe if we do any thing honestly without any suspense at the backyard, then doing that is justified. May be to be spontaneous is not good. But to keep mum is also not welcomed.

I kept on thinking the whole night what is the basis of a good friendship? Is it too much time which was spent, is it understanding, is it honesty, is it leg-pulling, is it laughter or is it the company of the other person? I inferred that a good friendship has all of these components, in small parts. But still without understanding, it's not going to exist. The foundation of every such building must be understanding. So does a friendship enters danger zone by removing one of these factors? I hope not. Understanding comes to the rescue.

I have never considered time as the basis. Many of my good friends were made in a day. Its the understanding again. Its the trust which makes us believe that other person cannot do bad to us. He won't harm us in any way. He will stand by us when we need him. But does that practically happen? As far as i think, in my case, i do stand in support of my friends no matter whether the situation is harmful or eventful for me.

Perhaps i am too spontaneous. I pay the price. But its always better to speak off. It helps in connecting with a person. It helps to make a good chemistry. Still no two persons are different. So not many people will agree with the above point. But then, that's me. If you feel good in the company of a person, then he is your friend. If you have a proper understanding and feel good in his company, then he's your good friend. If in addition to the above two, you also have trust upon him, then he is your best friend. This is because trust is one thing which develops only once. If it is lost, it is never build up again. It's my opinion. People may vary.

Good relations take months to develop. But it takes five minutes to crush them. I hope i remember this forever.

1 comment:

shreya said...

hmmm...dats ryt!u knw true frndship is spontaneous too!it dsnt require dsnt need ne evualtion..u hav found a true frnd..wen u cn jus blab ur heart out to dem..widout thinkin its pros n cons..wen u hit n bash n scold dem freely widout fearing d reprisals..wen u jus b wat u r to a persn!
u knw i found my best frnd in class 6th aftr i ws slapped by a teachr cuz of her!:D
its been unbreakable since neEd to HANDLE WID CARE ;)