Monday, February 27, 2012

Big Egos, Small Men....

Continuing from the past post, this one is to reiterate the same. Egos become big and people become small. We often try to project to others as if we are happy. More so, if we recently got trapped into a brawl. But somewhere in the process of projection, we lose ourselves. For being happy is never complaining, but projecting to be happy is! The ingenuity of human mind is great. Rather than putting it in useful things, we waste it in innovative ideas of show-off and comparison. No two people are different. Hence maintaining one's individuality becomes important. Somewhere in the process of ceasefire, we should not forget who we are. 

February month has been great so far. The twists and turns were amazing. I got to learn valuable lessons. Modern love is more spoken and less felt. People can stay away without caring for others. But it somehow misses the point that most of us are dependent on our close ones. If i say i am not, it just means that i am being a hypocrite. The very thought of what is happening amazes me to great extent. People say things which are great to hear. But unfortunately most of them are just said and hardly practiced.

I have tried to behave good and i am innately good. No doubt about that. I cannot show off and i cannot project my false image. If somebody needs me the most, i will be there without any purposes. That's how i am, that's how i have been. Keeping people above me and helping them till they smile. But unfortunately some body is teaching me the other way round... 'Big egos, small men'.....